
Friday 14 September 2018

Conrad and Paris Maths Rubric

for our rubric choice we decided to do Communicate and interpret locations and directions, using compass directions, distances, and grid references. which was Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence me and Paris drew maps with co ordinates and instructions where some treasure was, i did a fortnite map and Paris did a treasure map.

Friday 24 August 2018

WRITING - Chris fell asleep on sentry duty.

Rewrite an ending to this event where the teenagers are found by the invaders. Whose point of view are you writing from? What happens? How do they react/feel?

Chris got them found bye when he was asleep he roles out of the bolder when everyone was asleep. There was soldiers on duty. They ran over too see what the noise was and they put guns too his head and went up to the top of the bolder and got the rest of them.

They woke up and seen guns to there head. They felt as scared as they were about to go in to a horned home. They all died the end!!!

VOCABULARY - Find the meanings of the following words, write the meaning using your own words. Manoeuvre, Inconspicuous, Surreptitious.

manoeuvre: A movement or series of moves requiring skill and care.

Inconspicuous:Not clearly visible of attracting attention

Surreptitious:keep secret especially because it would not be approved of.

Thursday 7 June 2018


The Lion King

Im go to do The Lion King

Image result for lion king live

Wednesday 23 May 2018

English Sexxy paragraph

In English we are learning about sexxy paragraphs.

S - The director uses a long shot of Sergeant Borman looking at Geel Piet.

E -  In the long shot we see Sergeant Borman suspiciously watching Geel Piet with a baton in               his hand.

X - The director intended to show Sergeant borman’s violent intentions towards Geel Piet

X - This made the audience feel afraid and worried for Geel Piet, as well as angry toward Sergeant Borman.

Y-  This shot can be linked to the scene where the bully, Sergeant Botha was going to shoot P.K. It showed the same feeling of tense and worry for him.

Tuesday 13 February 2018


An orange ball
Repeatedly against the floor

Fake left.
Run right.