
Wednesday 15 November 2017

Conrad, Kyle, tui, k-Ci 

drugs and alcohol

drugs and alcohol


Monday 11 September 2017

gymnastics pe

Gymnastics i learnt how to do a ford roll on my feet and a back roll
Today we are still doing gymnastics and we are going on the tramp and the bar
i will like to learn today  to back flip on the bar and pull my self up and swing on the anther bar

today i learnt how to to jump in the middle of the tramp to 20

how to jump of the bspring propley and jump on the tramp good

Thursday 7 September 2017


i learnt how to jump on the trampling

i learnt how to go on a bar

and how to back flip on a bar

My goals

i would like to able back flip on the bar by myself
and jump on the trampling in a straight line
and hold my self up on the other bar

Friday 11 August 2017

Tuesday 8 August 2017

class room code

1. every pupil has the right to learn in a safe and co operative environment.
2. every teacher has the right to teach in a safe and co operative environment.
3. students/ come to class prepared to learn -pen-pencil-paper-Chromebook
4. attitude teacher prepare each lesson ensal envision is safe

the teacher is the boss